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Learn, explore, self-motivate, and be inspired while identifying your purpose and life goals.
Access smart features to optimize your daily activities and turn challenges into desirable outcomes.
PLOT helps you plan, manage, and achieve your goals.
Join clusters to network within your own communities and those outside.
Pay it forward by being volunteer and professional mentors, international pen pals, foster families, responsible consumers, SDG changemakers, social entrepreneurs and more - all these within a safe, conducive environment.
Customised Life Analysis and Roadmap to Reality (CLARITY)
Before setting goals, know, discover and understand yourself, your past and your potential.
Personal Management for Change and Effectiveness (PERMANENCE)
The only thing that is constant is change itself. Identify present and emerging challenges. Manage them before they manage you.
Create quests you can conquer.
Set SMART goals including baseline goals and stretch goals. Do this for each of life's 14 domains. Indulge in LifeScape to widen your lifescope.
Invite help to increase your chance of success.
Share your goals and your challenges to allow others to contribute to your success. Life is a long lesson in humility, after all.
ULTIMATE is a private team consisting of a key manager and a mentor to help members succeed. Be part of another member's success team.
When required, we engage the right people to provide members with greater insights. Are YOU part of the right people? Come forward.